To be clear: I don't hate anyone who decides to make them, anyone who enjoys them, or anyone who believes in themselves enough to see them through. What I hate about them is the vibe they've come to carry. Throughout the years, the term "New Year's Resolution" has gone from "this is what I plan to accomplish in the new year" to "this is what I plan to accomplish by the end of January", and quite honestly, I hate that.
See here's the thing about the new year: From 00:00 January 1, 2018, to 23:59 December 31, 2018, is the 2018 New Year. You don't have to lose all the weight you wanted to lose in a year in one month. You don't have to cut all bad things from your life cold turkey.
If you are one of these people who thinks that going on a New Year's diet means you aren't allowed things like chocolate, coffee, doughnuts, or the occasional glass of pinot grigio, I have news for you: You are a human. You are allowed to mess up, you are allowed the occasional treat, drink, nibble, and sip.
With that said, losing weight is more about accountability then how fast you lose it. If you slip up: oops! Just get yourself back on track.
Now I'm not one to sit behind a computer and tell you that you're a horrible person because you didn't meet all of your #goals. This post isn't meant to shame you, bully you, or make you feel bad about your life. After all, I'm human: I've made resolutions, and I've forgotten all about them, but here's the good thing: you're allowed to start working on that goal you set January 1st on February 18th. Your life is your own and you don't necessarily have to follow Sherry's 16-week workout plan for 16 straight weeks if you still have that leftover cake and wine that Trina let you take home from her block party. You're allowed to wait until June to sign up for that Gordon Ramsay Masterclass, and you certainly don't have to redo your whole wardrobe/lifestyle in one month (especially since you spent all of that money the last two on Christmas gifts and food!) Follow your own pace, and good things come to those who are patient.
You can do it!
You can do it!